Thursday, December 21, 2006

The food was good and I danced in church

Well, the office breakfast was, as usual, a smashing success. The cake went over well, which of course fills me with pride. The good kind, not the bless-me-Father-for-I-have-sinned kind.

Speaking of confession, I went to church tonight. This week the fathers added extra confession times in the evenings in preparation for Christmas. When I walked into the Cathedral, Mass was in progress, or, I should say, la misa en progreso, as it was in Spanish. I went, made my confession, and sat for part of the Mass.

It's very nice, sometimes, to sit in the back of the church and attend Mass in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish all that well, and it actually helped me to focus a bit more on the ritual actions and the meanings behind them. The only distracting thing was the (actually quite good) band that played drums, guitars, and tambourines during the musical parts (offertory, sanctus, memorial acclamation, the amen). The Sanctus (Santo en espaƱol) was a peppy little piece; I caught myself kinda bopping along "Osanna en el cielo..." before I remembered suddenly I was in church at Mass, and there is the Father standing at the altar watching this crazy Anglo dancing to the Sanctus. Needless to say, at the Peace, I made a genuflection and quietly departed.

Turns out that was a prudent choice, as it has begun raining, and the dog needs to go out.

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