Monday, February 19, 2007

60 degrees!

We hit 60 today. Woohoo!

Rumors and the weather services have it that we may hit 70 sometime this week.

I took Odin to the park. I threw his squeaky toy, and he ran off after it. Sometimes he made me run to go get it. Smart dog, knows Daddy needs his exercise!

Later we moseyed over to where I saw a group of people with two adult rat terriers and a litter of puppies all on leashes. The tiny little puppies were barking their heads off at Odin, though he didn't bother with them at all; he knows they'd only be a mouthful. The adults sniffed all over and accidentally got a leash wrapped around a couple of his legs, and he nearly went down like the Imperial AT-AT walker during the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back. The people and I managed to get him untangled before he did trip and fall.

All in all, a very enjoyable day.

Well, more updates as events warrant.

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