Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Cookity Cookity Done!

Stop the presses!
Something unprecedented has happened!

A man, a bachelor, no less...has successfully produced...baked goods!

In one try!

Odin helped me bake the blueberries-and-peaches cinnamon swirl coffee cake His contribution consisted of watching every move I made and nudging me periodically to ensure I was on my toes throughout as I ever so care-ful-lee measured oil and water, cracked eggs, and beat the mixture into submission. I did let him lick the bowl for a moment after I stuck the pan in the oven. He liked it.

Hillbilly cooking tip number one: If the dog won't eat it, the neighbors sure as heck won't.

Odin the Dane cooking tip number one: Cooked? Heck, give it to me raw!

Suki, reigning from her perch on high up top the cabinets, observed the proceedings and gave the occasional disdainful yawn as she watched the servants attempt to make good smells in the kitchen for her. I reached up to pet her a few times, and she stood up and pretended to enjoy it, thinking, "Well, better give the meal ticket his money's worth."

Suki the kitty cooking tip number one: If it doesn't smell interesting, it isn' done right.

And after nigh-on to 45 minutes of baking, the toothpick came out clean.

And now for the test, in which I present the fruits of my hard labors and sweat of my brow to the ladies at the office. Ladies with decades of experience between them of cooking for potlucks, family dinners, and various events. Will my pride and joy meet with favor, or will I be relegated to sharing lots of leftovers with the dog and cat? We shall see.

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