Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Well, it's been a solid month since I've posted anything, and I promise to try to do better; though my loyal readership, such as it is, hasn't exactly been beating down the door.

First the dog: he either strained or tore a ligament in his left hind leg. Limpy limpy limpy all around the house. Scared me half to death because it was so sudden. Now he's on anti-inflammatories. I swear, the dog gets better healthcare than I do.

Also, my dog is an alky. I left my beer on the table the other night when I went into the kitchen to fetch some chips. I came back to find the dog had knocked the bottle over and was happily lapping up the brew. I poured the remainder in a bowl and let him have it. I wasn't about to finish a bottle with doggie backwash and fur. He was quite pleased with the beer, and wagged his tail furiously. The joke at work is that he hurt his leg trying to get himself another beer. Either that, or he got drunk and fell out of the bed.

The kitty is fine, as kitties usually are. She's warming up to the dog and will sleep with him if I am there. We usually end up with his head on my chest, her against his head on my chest, and me suffocating from the combined weight and warmth.

I neglected the lawn mowing this weekend, and now it is raining, so no mow.

I'll probably do a post on the jail food flap here at Sedgwick Co later tonight.

I needs must run to McD's and get me something to eat. Ta for now!

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Well, we got all moved in.

I'll give a shout-out to Get A Move On Inc, the moving company I used. It took an hour and a half to get loaded and unloaded, and cost less than $200.

I'm very tired from yardwork; I haven't mowed a yard in four or five years. Odin helped by running to all the patches I hadn't got to and eating the grass. Maybe he really is half horse.

He tried to go after a squirrel today and was very surprised to see it scamper up the tree and disappear. I tried to explain that if he wanted to catch it it'd have to be elderly, sick, and on a walker with a leg missing, and even then he might catch it.

Suki the kitty is enjoying all the windows; the apartment only had two, both on the east side, so there wasn't as many viewing ports for her to maintain surveillance on her domain. She sits in the windows and balefully watches the birds twitter and fly, thinking "If only I were out there, I'd get me some din-din". She occasionally sleeps in the sun to recharge her solar-powered tummy cells (hey, what other good explanation is there for cats sleeping in the sun?)

I still have many, many boxes to unpack, but the worst is over.

In other news, I have had a very significant loss of hearing over the last five or six months. 20dB in the higher ranges, not my usual loss area. I am waiting to hear from Vocational Rehab on what can be done. This is of course causing significant problems at work, but they're working with me pretty well on that. My loss is considered moderate-to-severe. There's no noticeable rate of decline, it drops, but at different degrees, so I have no idea how much longer I will have with hearing. An incentive to learn sign language!

Well, I needs must get to McDonalds. I hear they have a huge burger out now called the third pounder. Jay Leno said that's because you need to pound your chest three times to get your heart restarted after eating it.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

We're Moving On Up

It's been awhile since I've updated, so here goes:

A fellow parishioner has a house for rent, and so I am getting out of my lease early at this apartment and moving in there, just before Palm Sunday. It's a nice little rental home, two bedrooms, fenced backyard, etc etc. All the good stuff. Sure, my expenses will be higher, but it's worth the deal.

The fenced backyard will be particularly nice, as I'll be able to let the dog run around freely. However, he doesn't like being out there without me outside with him. Odin merely stands there at the back door and quotes from the doggy scriptures: Behold, I stand at the door and whine...if the master opens the door to me, I will enter in with him, and wag my tail playfully and jump all over him for joy.

I finally told Suki the kitty that we're moving. She set her ears back and began to lash her tail:

--A new house? New smells? New furniture arrangments? That smelly dog has a pea brain; of course he's happy about it!
--But, Suki kitty, there's lots of windows.
She set her ears back forward and stopped lashing.
--Windows? I can sit and sleep in the windows? I can migrate with the sun, soaking up every bit of that warmth into my solar-cell tummy...
--And birds to watch. I'll even hang a birdfeeder outside.
--Ooooooh. Nice. Tasty. Feathery.
--Um, you won't be able to get at them, kitty.
--But you might have the chance to chase mice. These old houses, don't you know...

So we've settled that issue. I've not told her that it involves being stuck in the kitty carrier and taking a car ride. It'll take her hours to give the place a proper inspection. Odin has already done his preliminaries.

The house has a furnace grate in the floor, the only heating grate in the whole place, as was the style at the time. He absolutely refuses to walk on the grate. He goes out of his way to avoid it. He looks at me like I'm crazy when I stand on it. I'll cover it over in the summertime, he probably won't know the difference.

Well, I have much packing to do. Ten boxes of books have already been moved, but I may have two or three more. Then other assorted odds and ends. I'm hiring professional movers for this. If they do a good job, I'll give them free advertising here. All they'll be moving is the stuff that would require two people. If I can get Odin into the backseat of my car, I can get things his size or smaller in there, so that's a useful standard.

And now off to church.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lent Begins

Lent began with Ash Wednesday. For this year, I initially attempted to give up smoking; I lasted four days. Sigh. This is pretty tough.

I have also restricted my computer usage to an hour after I get back home from work. Weekends, it's a little more difficult, but I'm getting alot of reading in.

I get to suffer in a unique way; I am working at the front counter next week. Joy of joys. It's hard enough to hear as it is. It's actually working out pretty well, and I've got enough confidence.

I took Odin to a professional groomer (over at Petsmart) today. I had to lead him to the little holding cage, as he wouldn't go on his own. There wasn't enough room for him to stand in there. The look he gave me was so pitiful I nearly balked. As I walked out, he let out a whimper. Nearly broke my heart. The poor dog thought he was being left for good.

I understand he gave the groomer a bath. Other than that, he was pretty good, and smells considerably better. I took him on grand parade through the store afterwards, where he met lots of little dogs (all dogs are little to him) and their people. Awwwww. This tiny Pomeranian puppy just loved on him and managed to get away from her owner long enough to trot after us for a bit til I scooped her up and handed her back. Those short and stubby little legs can move.

He's still scared of the fancy rats they keep there. I'd like to have a couple of rats as pets myself, they're very cute and intelligent, but between Odin and Suki, they'd not last long.

I am going back to watching Braveheart. I never get tired of that movie. Kinda hoky dialogue, yes, but the cinematics and battle scenes are still pretty darn good. One of the kids at church told me today that that's an old movie. Considering he was born in 1990 and the film came out in 95, I suppose it is an old movie to him.

I've never felt old before, but that sure did it. Good thing I didn't mention that I had watched Willow on Saturday.

Monday, February 19, 2007

60 degrees!

We hit 60 today. Woohoo!

Rumors and the weather services have it that we may hit 70 sometime this week.

I took Odin to the park. I threw his squeaky toy, and he ran off after it. Sometimes he made me run to go get it. Smart dog, knows Daddy needs his exercise!

Later we moseyed over to where I saw a group of people with two adult rat terriers and a litter of puppies all on leashes. The tiny little puppies were barking their heads off at Odin, though he didn't bother with them at all; he knows they'd only be a mouthful. The adults sniffed all over and accidentally got a leash wrapped around a couple of his legs, and he nearly went down like the Imperial AT-AT walker during the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back. The people and I managed to get him untangled before he did trip and fall.

All in all, a very enjoyable day.

Well, more updates as events warrant.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Today's Lyrics

Hymn to the tune of "Cwm Rhondda", also used for "Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer" (or Jehovah in some traditions, notably Protestant)

The Welsh version is very beautiful and is quite popular in Wales. I understand it is a tradition at Welsh rugby games to sing "Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer". That has got to be a sight...10,000 boozed up Welsh rugby fans singing hymns.
This is an alternative hymn to the same tune. Very touching.

Lo, between the myrtles standing,
One who merits well my love,
Though His worth I guess but dimly,
High all earthly things above;
Happy morning! Happy morning!
When at last I see Him clear!
When at last I see Him clear!

Rose of Sharon, so men name Him;
White and red his cheeks adorn;
Store untold of earthly treasure
Will His merit put to scorn
Friend of sinners! Friend of sinners!
He their pilot o'er the deep.
He their pilot o'er the deep.

What can weigh with me henceforward
All the idols of the earth?
One and all I here proclaim them,
Matched with Jesus, nothing worth;
O to rest me! O to rest me!
All my lifetime in His love!
All my lifetime in His love!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Dane Discrimination

A very irritating day...

The apartments I currently live at have had a recent change in management. Said new management decided, in their great wisdom, to no longer permit large dogs, indeed, no animals above 18 pounds.

I was told at the manager's office: "When your lease is up, you'll have to either get rid of the pet or move out." That's just cold.

Now, you can gripe me out about my handwriting, playing music too loud, parking wrong, or any number of things. But you do not tell me what to do with my dog. Them's fightin' words!

So, Odin and I are going to go see another apartment complex this weekend; the people I spoke to there said "125 pounds? No problem!" The terms of their lease agreement and everything seem very good; I'd actually save money if I were living there now. Since my lease isn't up til September, I have plenty of time to save money for the deposits and moving expenses and so forth. I told Suki the kitty that we have to move in September, and to get her anxiety over it done with now, as managing and rehousetraining Odin is going to make things difficult. Not to mention moving all the heavy furniture, kitchenware, etc etc. I have alot of sorting to do.

This policy change is going to inconvenience a great many people in this complex. The management company stands to lose a good many longtime customers and business as a result. I can understand that some people are just afraid of big dogs because of their sheer size; I can understand, but not always agree with, breed type restrictions (I've seen vicious black Labs). But to change a policy that was often the reason many people moved here in the first place is bad business and frankly discriminatory against large/giant breed owners. I am going to see if I can't find out why they changed the policy.

I'm just none too pleased about having to move; I don't much care for it, and at least this place I'll be looking at is still within walking distance to the office.

This new place has fireplaces and is closer to the park and has better views of the river, so it will be worth the expense. And not having to pay pet rent! I can understand that some people don't always pick up after their pooch (I've been caught out without baggies for Odin before). I do understand that a business owner can do what they damn well please. This is America, after all. So I shall simply close my eyes and think of the nation, and sign the papers.